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  • zacabboud

The Future is Now

In my previous blog post, I discussed the future of electric cars and what that means for the automotive industry. In this post, I wanted to discuss the jobs and possibilities available with electric vehicles. They have various pros and cons, and I wanted to address them as well.

Electric cars are something of the future, but they are also something of the now and present. We have seen the outstanding features and benefits that they have versus traditional gas and diesel-powered cars. The technology in these cars is quite outstanding, and it is something to envy. The first mainstream pure electric car, the Tesla Roadster, was released over ten years ago, but at $100,000+, it wasn't for everyone. However, the promise of Tesla and other electric vehicles has always hinged on making electric vehicles reaching a broader audience.

Electric vehicles have many advantages over gas-powered cars. They eliminate expenses of engine-related maintenance such as oil changes, tune-ups, various gaskets, etc. They also have an overwhelming benefit in the cost needed to keep the cars running. An overwhelming advantage is a contrast of the expenses for gas versus charging an electric vehicle. The cost of a full charge ranges from 10-12 dollars while the price of a full tank of gas ranges depending on the size of the fuel tank, but it can be from anywhere from 30-60 dollars, and that is not even considering the use of premium fuel. They save lots of money in terms of the expense of gas and other maintenance that comes with engines.

Another advantage is some of the outstanding technology being implemented in electric vehicles. Tesla is well known for its implementation of autonomous driving as well as advanced lane assist and adaptive cruise control. The amount of technology in these cars is ridiculous and it only continues to improve and grow.

Electric vehicles also have their cons. I mentioned charging stations, but the amount of charging stations to gas stations is incomparable. There are roughly 15 gas stations for every electric vehicle charging station, and big cities have a high percentage of vehicle charging stations. The availability and ease of charing is something to consider if a consumer lives in a more rural area. You also have to find the time needed to charge the battery of an electric vehicle. A full charge on an 85 kWh Tesla Model S currently takes a staggering 75 minutes versus the mere minutes it takes to fill a tank of gas. The charging rates and availability of charging stations will most likely increase with more people purchasing electric cars, but it is something consumers need to consider before making a purchase.

Another well-documented expense of electric cars is the cost of maintenance and parts on different electric vehicles. I understand with a premium price tag comes premium price for parts, but parts and servicing are not as widely available as they should be. The average cost of a set of front brake pads is $260 on a Tesla Model S, while the average price of front brake pads on a Mercedes S-Class, a more expensive car, is roughly $250 for two sets of front brake pads. The disparity in the availability of parts versus a typical gas-powered vehicle is also something to consider. There are many aftermarket options to choose from for gas vehicles, while the aftermarket market for electric cars is currently limited.

The careers in electric cars are continuously growing with innovations in battery and electric motor technology. Various types of engineers are needed to ensure an electric car is functioning correctly and efficiently. The combustion engine is something that has been refined and perfected over the years while the electric motor is something that is still experimental and that leaves opportunity for those looking for a career like that in the future. There are various markets from building charging stations to even converting gas cars to electric cars. The market is expanding which leaves many opportunities for those interested in the field.

While electric vehicles are a growing field currently, there are better alternatives to consider when purchasing a new car. The availability of charging and parts can be a problem for those constantly road-bound and those who do their car maintenance. The time needed to charge an electric vehicle is extreme compared to the time required to fill a tank of gas. The savings that you get from electric charging are more beneficial; some may argue. The future looks more promising than the present, but we will have to see what advantages electric vehicles offer in the future.

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